Doula Odessa, MO - Elly Bowman
Hometown Doula - Perinatal Coaching & childbirth Education 

Your Resource for Support & Education during pregnancy and early Parenthood.



My promise to you

SUPPORT for ALL TYPES OF BIRTH and parenting styles.

My goal is to help you have a safe, positive & fulfilling experience, no matter what that looks like.

Childbirth Education Kansas City, MO - Elly Bowman

Hey there, I’m Elly!

a Registered Nurse and Certified maternal support PRACTITIONER (aka. doula) supporting families through pregnancy and postpartum!

I am passionate about supporting you and your partner throughout your journey in whatever way you need it most.

As your coach, I am dedicated to helping you have a positive experience, regardless of your chosen birth plan or parenting choices. With several options for working with me, you’ll gain the tools, resources and confidence you need to have the autonomous and empowering experience you desire!

Birth Doula Kansas City, MO - Elly Bowman
Prenatal Care Odessa, MO - Elly Bowman

Work with me!

Ready to dive into all things labor and birth so you can take charge of your own “birth day” and experience it the way YOU want?

Or maybe you are newly postpartum and looking for guidance and support with breastfeeding, newborn care, postpartum recovery and wellness, and all the things that go along with bringing your new baby home?

Whatever it is, I’ve got you!

Free Downloads 


  • Prenatal doula support Odessa, MO

    Labor Prep Smoothie

    Ready to start prepping your body for the biggest workout of your life? This smoothie incorporates all the things that can help ripen your cervix and tone your uterine muscles. Make this your daily snack beginning at 36 weeks!

  • Birth Partner Checklist

    Our partner's are so important in helping us through labor and that can feel like a lot of responsibility to them. Snag my Birth Partner Checklist to aid them in supporting you in all the ways you need (and want) it most.

  • Postpartum Services Odessa, MO

    Postpartum Affirmation Wallpapers

    I see you, mama. These early days are exhausting and it’s normal to feel like you are questioning it all AND you’ve got this.

    Let these affirmations serve as your reminder to embrace your journey into motherhood.



  • A doula is a trained professional who provides emotional and physical support to expectant mothers before, during, and after childbirth.

  • A midwife is a licensed medical professional who is responsible for the medical care of the mother and baby. A doula, provides emotional and physical support to the mother but is not a medical provider.


  • Supporting your partner during postpartum can be done in several ways. Some strategies include helping with household tasks, taking care of baby, offering emotional support, or by encouraging self care.

  • Signs of labor include regular contractions, changes in the cervix, water breaking, bloody show, and increased vaginal discharge. These signs can indicate that labor is starting, but it’s important to note that every woman’s experience is different.